Collective Agreements: Regaining the lost ground 25/02/2016
Event date: 25 Feb 16
Brussels, Thursday, February 25th, 2016, Room ASP 1G2, 08:30 - 11:30
GUE/NGL conference on: "Collective Agreements: Regaining the lost ground"
Brussels, Thursday, February 25th, 2016,
Room ASP 1G2, 08:30 - 11:30
08:00-08:30 Welcome of the participants. Registration
1st Panel
The Collective Bargaining within the EU Law Framework (primary and secondary legislation)
Moderator: tbc
Opening Speech
Mr. Thomas HÄNDEL, MEP GUE/NGL, Chair of Employment and Social Affairs Committee, EP
Speakers Panel
- Mr Luce VISENTINI, Secretary General ETUC, tbc
- Mr Heinz BIERBAUM, Representative of TUNE Network
- Representative from EESC-tbc
- Representative from ILO-tbc
- Representative from EUROFOUND-tbc
2nd Panel
The Experience of Changes in Collective Bargaining in Programme and Post-Programme Countries
Moderator: tbc
Speakers Panel
- Prof. Antonio Pedro BAYLOS GRAU, University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain
- Prof. Savvas ROMBOLIS, Panteion University of Political and Social Sciences, Athens, Greece
- Mr. Bruno ESTRADA LÒPEZ , Deputy Manager to the General Secretary of CC.OO, Economist, Spain
- Mr Christos TOMBAZOS, Central Organising Secretary, Pancyprian Federation of Labour, Cyprus
- Mr Carlos CARVAHLO, Former member of the National Council of Portuguese Workers General Confederation, Portugal
11:30-12:30 Light lunch