- CV
- PE European Parliament
- BURO Parliament's Bureau
- ECON Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
- DACP Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly
- REGI Committee on Regional Development
- COTA Special committee on tax rulings and other measures similar in its nature or effect
- D-CN Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China
- DASE Delegation for relations with the countries of Southeast Asia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
- Upholding the Rule of Law in the European Union
- Progressive political forces ask for dialogue in Catalonia
- Papadimoulis letter to Tajani & leaders of EU Parliament Political Groups - Legal gender recognition - Greece
- Nine MEPs write about 'The Missing Scenario: there are alternatives for Europeans'
- MEPs take Dijsselbloem and Eurogroup to task after years of Greek austerity
- Unity and democratic development the top priorities for Turkey - Hurriyet
- A full package -including debt relief- has to be agreed for Greece to move ahead
- Gualteri sends letter to institutions on labour relations in Greece
- Conference on public debt tackles lessons learned and finds potential solutions
- Greece's Economy Strongly Recovers for the 1st Time since 2010
- Ευρωκοινοβούλιο: Εγκρίθηκαν με μεγάλη πλειοψηφία και ευρεία διακομματική στήριξη, τροπολογίες που διασφαλίζουν την ομαλή ένταξη της Ελλάδας στο σύστημα εμπορίας ρύπων – και ειδικότερα της ΔΕΗ και της ελληνικής Τσιμεντοβιομηχανίας
- 36 MEPs from 3 different political groups demand Greek debt relief deal before end of year
- Sky-high debt, not just a Greek problem
- Conclusions of the General Affairs progressive Ministers (Athens, 10 September 2016)
- A critical response to the 5 Presidents’ Report. One year after publication 30/06/2016
- Papadimoulis on Spanish Elections
- UK ppl have chosen isolationism & xenophobia. EU must change, otherwise it will face the risk of dissolution
- Papadimoulis - European Development Days 2016
- Juncker Investment Plan branded unworkable and unfair in midterm review by GUE/NGL MEPs
- Why Greece Is Fighting Russia's Corner
- 500 refugees missing in the Mediterranean Sea
- Greek adjustment programme review: Austerity has failed, sustainable growth policies needed
- The EU-Turkey deal: Implementation goes first
- The Success of Greek Structural Reforms
- About Europe, the Dictate of Brussels, the old and the new left
- The Future of Cohesion Policy
- Martin Schultz's answer to Dimitrios Papadimoulis: "The internationally recognized name of the country is FYROM - The official body of the European Parliament does not adopt the term of Macedonia".
- Dimitrios Papadimoulis reaction on delaying the formation of the European Parliament's Working Group on the Greek program
- Papadimoulis Dijsselbloem about the Greek Proposals
- Progressive political forces ask for dialogue in Catalonia
- Papadimoulis Euroscola 12.10.2017
- 137th IPU meeting
- Papadimoulis - Papadaki - EU Prize For Literature - 23 May 2017
- Next Society Speech VP D. Papadimoulis
- Roads of Survival - Photo Exhibition - Refugee Crisis Greece - EU Parliament
- Syriza hits out at Weber after ‘communist prime minister’ comment
- Papadimoulis on the 100 days of Donald Trump in Power
- Papadimoulis’ statement on Brexit is a pleasant message for British people, UK ambassador Smith says
- Papadimoulis' statement on Brexit is a pleasant message for the British people, UK ambassador Smith says
- SYRIZA on Brexit (2)
- New model needed to save EU
- Συνέντευξη Δ. Παπαδημούλη στο ιταλικό κανάλι TV2000
- Τhe European challenge: unity, return to growth and the social pillar
- Empowering Women In Politics - Papadimoulis - 7 3 2017
- European Convergence And The Role Of Progressive Forces
- Greece needs to form 'united front' against creditors' demands, Papadimoulis tells ANA
- Refugee Crisis: Europe divided over handling of refugees
- Papadimoulis Re-elected as Vice President of the EU Parliament
- Letter on Cyprus
- Lenders Should Respect Greek Deal
- Rules of Procedure - EU Parliament - Press Briefing 8 12 2016
- Austerity cannot lead to growth, but to the dissolution of Eurozone
- U.S. Election: This Is What Europe Needs From President Donald Trump The new president must turn the U.S. into a guarantor of stability around the world
- The Stability And Growth Pact Has Failed
- Press Conference on Lesvos & Refugee Crisis
- Greece's TV Licenses Auction - A Necessary Reform
- Commission reiterates approval of Greek TV license tender
- Europe Needs Social Cohesion, Not Austerity
- PM Tsipras seeks “positive completion” of Greece bailout programme
- First Press Conference of Progressive Caucus on CETA & TTIP
- Greece: Lower Primary Surpluses After 2018 And Sustainable Debt Relief
- The Left Should Determine EU Agenda After Brexit
- Papadimoulis supporting Unidos-Podemos on Spanish Elections
- Papadimoulis on Brexit
- Syriza: Britain should stay in EU and fight for democracy and social justice
- Greek agreement opens doors to debt ease - U Talking to Me?
- Dimitris Papadimoulis: The European Union needs a new, convincing narrative
- [LIBERATION] Il faut lever le blocus économique de la Grèce
- Europe must remember its anti-fascist roots
- Papadimoulis on Idahot day 2016
- Greek Reforms Endorsed And Debt Relief Talks Launched
- Greece: Dimitrios Papadimoulis MEP welcomes progress in Eurogroup
- Nächste Runde im Schuldenpoker
- Investimento e crescimento são as prioridades do Governo Syriza
- Griechenland-Verhandlungen: "Neuwahlen würden die gesamte Eurozone destabilisieren"
- Papadimoulis EU Turkey EP Plenary
- Greece Eyes Path to Aid Lifeline as Fiscal Resurrection in Doubt
- La Tribune: "Il faut donner sa chance à l'économie grecque" par Dimitris Papadimoulis
- The Success of Greek Structural Reforms
- The EU-Turkey deal: Implementation goes first
- The Success of Greek Structural Reforms
- Papadimoulis Speech - International Women's Day Event - EU Parliament
- International lenders expected in Greece to conclude bailout review
- Political Debate about Europe, the old and the new left with Papadimoulis participating
- Sinn Féin ‘will define mainstream politics in Ireland’
- Papadimoulis Dijsselbloem ECON Committee about the Greek government list
- Interview with Dimitrios Papadimoulis to Vasileios Katsardis about the new European Union Commission
- Zimmer-Iglesias-Papadimoulis: The Greek proposals bring an accepted solution for all
- Papadimoulis: SYRIZA program has nothing to do with the ultra-right-wing (video)
He was born in Athens in 1955. Graduated from Varvakios and studied at the Faculty of civil engineering of NTUA.
He worked as an engineer and Business Executive (1980-2004).
Of the 18 of actively engaging in the student movement and then joins the Left, where it remains constant since then.
Member of the Bureau of the C.c. of EFEE (1976-1979), the leadership of "Rigas Feraios ' and later of KKE Interior and e. No.
Member of the Committee which drafted the Common Conclusion e. BAL-KKE (1988), which led to the formation of the coalition of the left and progress. A member of the elected leadership bodies of the coalition-from its inception as a single party (1992)-and then the SYRIZA.
He was elected to the European Parliament (2004-2009) and in the Greek Parliament (2009-2014).
Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (2009-2014) and Vice-Chair of the Group of the unified European left (UEL).
She was an MEP at the European elections of 2014. Since July has been elected Vice-President of the European Parliament and is the only Greek but also the only from the Left, to the Bureau of Parliament.