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- CV
- The Panama Papers, one year on: Fighting money-laundering and tax dumping
- Conference on public debt tackles lessons learned and finds potential solutions
- SAVE the date - Documentary projection Laughing to death - 28th of February 2017 - ASP 1E2 18h30
- 455 European and Canadian civil society groups call for rejection of CETA
- Conference to explore medical uses of cannabis
- "A coffee shop with Greek products"
- Open Letter on addressed to Federica Mogherini by SYRIZA MEP Stelios Kouloglou and co-signed by 34 MEPs
- 500 refugees missing in the Mediterranean Sea
- "75 years after the Battle of Crete-The struggle for memory and reparations"
- Julian Assange at the European Parliament: We barely know anything about the Panama Papers yet
- Assange at the European Parliament: we do not yet know anything about Panama papers
- An Alternative Media Landscape for Europe
- International attention was raised yesterday in the conference held inside the European Parliament in Brussels on hemp and medical cannabis hosted by SYRIZA MEP, Stelios Kouloglou
- Hemp and medical cannabis as a driving factor of growth and employment
- GUE/NGL action-whistle to protect whistleblowers-Interview Stelios Kouloglou
- Whistleblowers Protest - EU Parliament - 24.10.2017
- Stelios Kouloglou on St Petersburg blast on RT
- The Unknown Famine of Athens 1941-1942 - Photo Exhibition - EU Parliament (2)
- The Unknown Famine of Athens 1941-1942 - Photo Exhibition - EU Parliament
- “The Unknown Famine: Athens 1941-1942” Exhibition & Conference
- Kouloglou talks to ANA about flare-up of tension between EU, Turkey
- Greeting from MEP Kouloglou for "March for Europe 2017"
- Laughing to Death - Film screening at EU Parliament
- Kouloglou on BBC Radio on Greece - 20.2.2017
- Cultural Island of Europe
- Kouloglou: Interview with students of the AUTH master program on journalism
- Kouloglou Tsakalotos SGIs - EU Parliament
- Whistleblower protection: What must be done?
- Kouloglou at Russia Today on whistleblowers
- Κouloglou on Russia Today on US elections
- Kouloglou - Plenary on Turkey Journalists
- Press Conference on Lesvos & Refugee Crisis
- MEP Kouloglou Panama Papers Message
- MEP Kouloglou Solidacities Message
- Debate on Spain Portugal & Greece (French)
- Kouloglou on Panama Papers Inquiry 27.9.2016
- CETA TTIP Protest - Brussels - 20.9.2016
- France24 - EU economy Is the north punishing the south
- Talk with Edward Snowden in Brussels 7/9/2916
- Podemos: Lola Sanchez If we win the elections and the blackmail us, that will be the end of the EU
- Stelios Kouloglou on BBC (audio)
- La hipocresía de la UE con los refugiados continúa
- Stelios Kouloglou chez Humanité: L'Europe veut-elle mettre la Grèce à genoux ?
- Stelios Kouloglou chez Humanite (video)
- An Alternative Media Landscape event
- Assange at the European Parliament: we do not yet know anything about Panama papers
- TALKING EUROPE EU Turkey relations Exchanging people for partnerships France 24
- Initiative on child care and de-institutionalization at EU Parliament - Lumos
- Stelios Kouloglou voted in as DEVE Vice President at European Parliament
- Stelios Kouloglou about Venezuela & Greece - Press Conf. EU Parliament
- SYRIZA MEP Stelios Kouloglou - European Parliament Plenary about Venezuela
STELIOS KOULOGLOU (Director, Journalist)- CV
Studied journalism in Paris Tokyo. Correspodent in Paris (1983-84), Moscow for the greek Radio and TV, during «perestroika»(1989-93). He covered the war on Yugoslavia(92-95). Political analyst for Le Monde Diplomatique and major greek publcations, Regular collaborator for ARTEs’ news program «7 heure and demi»
Editor-in-chief and anchorman of “Reportage Without Frontiers”(1996-2012) a weekly current affairs and documentaries program awarded 4 times as the best informative program of the Greek television. Best Greek documentary award for his series of programs on the Greek civil war(2000), Eurocomenius award for the film “The Death Match”(2002). Journalist of the year for 2006 and 2007. Writer of the year 2002 for his best seller novel «Never Go Alone to the Post Offic».Author of 8 fiction and non-fiction books. Anchorman for weekly TV program «Soiree Thematique»(2005-2008)
Producer and director of numerous grand reportages and documentaries for ARTE, ERT, including «Whistleblowers»(2004), the awarded «Apology of an Economic Hit Man»(2008), «Oligarchy» (2011), «Holocauste of Memory»(2013), «The GodMother».(2014) . Fired from the greek public Television because of his uncensored documentary «Generation of 700 euros»(2008) he is the founder and director of Tvxs.gr, one of the most influential news sites in Greece.
He has been recenlty described,by the international media watchdog «Reporters without Borders» as « long the symbol of investigative journalism» in Greece.( http://en.rsf.org/grece-could-the-crisis-help-media-14-09-2011,40986.html)