Ineffectiveness of the Task Force for Greece

 Ineffectiveness of the Task Force for Greece

The work of the Task Force for Greece, established to support the reforms and provide technical assistance to Greece, is flawed, is undermined by inadequate procedures and is ineffective, according to a European Court of Auditors report published a few days ago(1). Specifically, the report refers to the rushed establishment of the Task Force, which led to a lack of strategic thinking and of a comprehensive analysis of the available options and also dependency on external factors which have affected its moves(2).
In view of the above, will the Commission say:
(a) Does it acknowledge the truth of the findings of the Court’s report? What procedure will it follow to apportion blame for these failures that are contributing to the brutal impoverishment of the Greek people?
(b) What changes will it make to improve the effectiveness of the new Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS) which has replaced the Task Force for Greece (TFGR)?




17 February 2016


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