MEPs condemn the intervention of SYRIZA Juncker in the internal political situation in Greece.
The Eurogroup of SYRIZA condemns the brutal intervention of the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, in internal matters of our country, with an interview on Austrian public television ORF where, among other things, said: "the Greeks ... more they know very well what I mean for Greece and the Eurozone, a false election result ... I would not like extreme forces to come to power ... I would prefer to see familiar faces ", expressing a clear preference of the ruling parties. Earlier, the European Commission, through the representative of Mpraintcharnt Friends openly took position in favour of nomination Stavros Dimas for the Presidency of the Hellenic Republic.
The six Members of SYRIZA, note that these statements are not consistent with either the political ethos that promises the European Union, nor of course the principles of popular sovereignty and the independence of national Parliaments, which supposedly guarantees and protects. Denouncing the Commission and its Chairman for their attitude, as is inconceivable any intervention in the internal affairs of a Member State of the EU, Meps note that if he had tried to murmur even half Mr Juncker for their respective procedures in France or Germany, could not longer stand in his place.