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GUE/NGL debate on "Greece, Austerity and Growth"
We would like to invite you to a debate organised by the GUE/NGL group o "Greece, Austerity and Growth",
which will take place in the European Parliament (ASP 1G2), on 22 April 2015, from 15.00 to 18.30.
In view of the on-going negotiations on Greek debt after the electoral victory of SYRIZA in January, GUE/NGL is organising a conference on Greece, austerity and growth. The neo-liberal policies used to tackle the economic crisis in the European periphery proved to be counter-productive: they failed to overcome the crisis and lead to growth and development and they also caused a severe humanitarian crisis with immense social and political consequences.
More and more politicians, economists and academics suggest that there is another way out from this vicious circle. This alternative policy could enforce sound economic development and sustainable growth, entrepreneurship, public and private investments, convergence and strengthen a healthy banking system. It also should take into account essential social indicators, especially unemployment and poverty, access to health and education, as well as transparency and accountability in all aspects of economic and political life.


Below the full programme



Greece, Austerity and Growth

European Parliament, ASP 1G2

22 April 2015, 15.00 - 18.30




15.00–15.15:          Opening by GUE/NGL President Gabriele Zimmer and GUE/NGL Vice President Malin Bjork

15.15–16.45: The Greek experience: Fighting Debt, Experiencing Austerity and Building Growth

                        Discussion by Think Tank Economists and Experts

·        Daniel Gros, Director of the Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels

·        Zsolt Darvas, Senior Fellow at the Bruegel Institute, Brussels

·        Philippe Legrain, Visiting Senior Fellow at the European Institute of the L.S.E.

16.45–18.15:          The Greek Debt, the Austerity Programme and Prospects for Growth:

Discussion by Members of the European Parliament

·        Dimitris Papadimoulis, Vice President of the European Parliament GUE/NGL - Greece

·        Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Vice-Chair of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, S&D - Italy

·        Ska Keller, Vice President of  Greens/EFA - Germany

18.15–18.30:         Closure by GUE/NGL President Gabriele Zimmer and GUE/NGL Vice President Neoklis Sylikiotis


for more info:  press:



SYRIZA MEP Stelios Kouloglou is hosting the screening of the documentary film “Powerful and Uncontrolled: Troika” by the award winning German journalist - Harald Schumann. The event will take place on Tuesday 21 April, at 18:30, in the room P3C050.

The film aims to shed light in the controversial role of the Troika. Shortly after the film, a discussion will take place with film director Harald Schumann journalist/writer, Philippe Lamberts, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance, and Elisa Ferreira, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament.


12:00 p.m - 2:00 p.m. UTC+01

Souffle de dignité - Solidariteitswind

Le peuple grec appelle tous les peuples d'Europe à montrer leur solidarité a la lutte du peuple et du gouvernement grec pour une Europe de democratie et de solidarité.

Het Griekse volk roept alle volkeren van Europa op solidariteit te betuigen met de Griekse regering voor een Europa van democratie en solidariteit.

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Wij zeggen NEEN aan de chantage - Wij doen geen stap terug - Wij zullen winnen