I hope this important initiative hosted by Helmut Scholz, Matt Carthy and myself, to bring some interesting remarks, with regard to first 100 days of the Trump administration.
The election of President Trump in the White House, has rapid implications not only to the American people, but also the rest of the world. Given that Trump ran the elections under an ultra-conservative manifesto, we shouldn’t expect policies that diverge from that.
"Trump as a businessman, knows how to deliver results". This was the main argument mainly reproduced by mainstream media and conservative think tanks. And by saying results, Trump was clearly talking about further destabilization of the middle east, halt of any Green policy and a set of policies related to Human Rights and civil society that falls behind the traditional openness of the American people.
Moreover, those results and right-wing policies, need the appropriate form of governance in order to be implemented. Technocrats were brought into the White House for the first time in such a scale, due to Donald Trump. Many political positions have been filled in by businessmen, former-CIA officials and CEOs of the most powerful American corporations.
The escalation of the US foreign policy in North Korea, Syria and across the EU-Russia boarders, is not a bearer of good news. Neither is the fact that climate-change denials are now designing the new US policies regarding fuels, emissions and air pollution.
Thanks to this initiative, we have the opportunity to discuss with exceptional academics and researchers that will help us have a thorough understanding on the negative impact the Trump administration will have for the US peopla and the world.