• Dimitrios Papadimoulis reaction on delaying the formation of the European Parliament's Working Group on the Greek program
• He asks for explanations and declares: "there's danger to weaken the role of the European Parliament"
The President of the European Parliament and SYRIZA MEP, Dimitrios Papadimoulis, along with the German MEP of GUE/NGL, Fabio de Masi sent a letter to the President of the Committee for Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON), Roberto Gualtieri - dated February 17 2016. The reason was the cancellation of the first meeting of the Working Group set up to control the fiscal adjustment programs.
You can find the letter below:
Dear Chairman of the ECON,
Mr Gualtieri,
Almost 5 months have passed since the first positive decision of the Conference of Presidents on the Greek PM Tsipras's letter on increasing the role of the EP in the scrutiny of the adjustment programmes, especially in the case of Greece.
Following the recent decision on the establishment of the Financial Assistance Working Group (FAWG) the first meeting on 3/2 was cancelled.
Therefore, we would like to enquire when the necessary actions for the formation of the FAWG with all its members and all the necessary preparations for the proper planning and time schedule as well as the concrete agenda of the forthcoming meetings of the FAWG are to be expected ? Further delays might weaken the role of the European Parliament in the exchange with the institutions and governments involved.
Yours sincerely
Dimitrios Papadimoulis
Fabio de Masi