Eurogroup´s intransigent attitude not suited to Greek situation


Eurogroup´s intransigent attitude not suited to Greek situation

"The Eurogroup's intransigent attitude towards Greece is not only unreasonable, it is not suited to the current situation in the country;" said GUE/NGL President Gabi Zimmer commenting on last night's Eurogroup decision to extend.the current programme for four months.

She said: "This last-minute compromise gives Greece the much-needed money to avert national bankruptcy for the time being. Finance Minister Schaeuble mostly dominated the talks by taking a very hard line and sticking to the failed austerity dictate up until the very end, although burden-easing is urgently needed to help get the Greek economy back on its feet."

Gabi Zimmer continued: "If the Greek government wants to push for other conditions and criteria during the negotiations on a new agreement, it will need strong international backing. A broad European movement of all who consider the failed EU crisis policy irresponsible is urgently needed."

"The Greek government now has some time to work out a reasonable reform programme that does not continue to push the lower and middle class into poverty. It has an opportunity, although a small one,to tackle the humanitarian crisis in the country. It also has time to target corruption and nepotism and to build up a fair and efficient tax system which no longer spares both the wealthy and big corporations. These issues were not addressed by the previous government of Conservatives and Social Democrats.”

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